Editorial Services

I want to assist you in telling the story that matters to you. I have edited multiple manuscripts across genre for clients at all levels in their writing process. Feedback can be focused on content, proofreading, or simply provide encouragement. For a look at projects I have consulted on, check out the Margins and Murmurations series by Kes Otter Lieffe and THEY CALLED HER GODDESS (we named her girl) by Uma Dwivedi. Or you can view the amazing library of titles at GAME OVER BOOKS. To inquire about services, email oliviamammone@gmail.com


—I work on editing from JUNE TO OCTOBER ONLY. Inquiries can be made year round but ‘scrips will not be read until then.

—ALL INQUIRIES MUST BE MADE THROUGH EMAIL. Inquiries made via social media will be ignored.

—Please do not attach your documents to your inquiry email before we discuss your project.

Thank you for your consideration.

Testimonials forthcoming!